Friday, December 29, 2006

Design Life now

Went to Cooper-Hewitt museum the other day with Hiuyan. Quite an exhibit. They currently have the National Desgin Triennial 2006. Saw a bunch of cool designs in the exhibit. Flatpak is a modern prefab house system. Ooba's baby crib has a modern look that's a rare find. Blik has kick ass wall paper alternative. Kidrobot is fun looking with an evil twist. Worth a trip.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006



早上跟大米哥煎了幾個味道不這麼的 pancakes 吃,
邊陪 rice nana 聽莫札特,


Sunday, December 03, 2006

12/2 and 12/3 台北


回台灣的第一天,老爸和阿弟早早就到機場接我們,班機延誤,讓他們等了好久。到旅館 check in 之後,直接到基隆老家,是爺爺的忌日。ㄧ家老小,坐的整個屋子都是人,加上嗓門洪亮的大姑也在,好熱鬧。到了三點,leigo and riceman 開始逗孤,回到台北為了忍著不睡,跑去吃了一籠鼎泰豐的小籠包,度小月的切仔麵,到了八點,再也撐不下去了.... 第二天,三點就睜開眼睛。



Saturday, December 02, 2006

Our new cell in Taiwan

We couldn't get the old cell phone working. Our new number in Taiwan is 0916.516.422. Ate so much today that my little tummy is about to explode. So sleepy....

Friday, December 01, 2006


在阿拉斯加停一小時,這次帶 Rice Nana 坐飛機有一點小累,居然吐了。羅文嘉也在同一班飛機,本人很矮。謝謝魏媽媽大力相助,坐了兩個特好位。好了,台北見。

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sample Sales

Kate / Jack Spade

11/16–11/19 Clothes for both genders are represented at Steven Alan, where Mayle, Rogues Gallery, and the house label are 30 to 75 percent off. Isabel Marant pants are now $55. 87 Franklin St., nr. Broadway (212-343-0692); Thurs. and Fri. (8:30–8); Sat. (noon–7); Sun. (noon–5).

Thanks to Chris for the info.


最近把部落格移到blogger beta 版本, 順便分門別類把這兩年的posts整理一下. 再看了其中幾篇關於家人和童年的文章, 聯想起童年,嘴角不經意小小得揚了起來. 童年的一大半, 是住在台北東區的四摟公寓, 很普通的那種. 一樓有個紅色帶鏽的的大門, 門的右邊是個對講機, 共六個玲, 代表有六戶人家, 公寓的外牆是灰色的小碎石, 沒電梯, 沒中央空調, 家家都有陽台, 有些人種花, 有些人會把陽台加蓋, 變成室內的一部分. 回想起來, 整體上算是蠻平民化的房子, 或入骨的說, 沒美感的的房子. 不過, 在台北小巷子裡這樣的公寓很多, 大家都是住這樣的公寓, 況且小時候, 美醜似乎不是問題. 我們住的那個社區叫武昌新村, 有一個橫行的巷, 巷子的沿路有各式各樣的小店, 和菜場, 縱行有十來個弄, 這樣子的巷弄, 型成了一個自足的小社區. 社區的小朋友都是讀同一個小學. 我們家住在四弄, 班上有一個同學叫葉x芸, 住在八弄, 是個漂亮會唸書的小女孩, 她媽媽開了一個家庭式的美容院, 社區所有的媽媽都在那裡洗頭, 八卦. 葉x芸的成績很好, 每次月考都是滿分, 她媽也超愛炫燿的, 每次老媽去洗頭都會被問, “哎喲, 偶們家葉x芸哦, 月考又考滿分, 啊你們黃蕾呢?” 如果我走狗運, 考得不錯的話, 我媽也會炫燿回去, 如果我考糟了, 老媽就會灰頭塗臉的回來興師問罪, 這樣子的routine居然可以維持好幾年, 一直到我們搬到新加坡. 那時候, 真是很不爽那一對母女. 二十年過後, 小時候的朋友還有聯絡的也只有零星的一兩個. 幾年前回台北, 到舊家看看, 發現那個美容院還在, 好奇的想知道後來葉x芸長大變成什麼樣子? 但後來我還是沒進去, 笑一笑, 繼續往前走. 祝福小時候的玩伴.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


It's been three months since I became a broker. Lifestyle is slowly sinking in. I go to the office about 2 to 3 times a week, and show apartments also about 2 to 3 times a week. A much more flexible and relaxing schedule compared to life at the construction site. The first deal went very smooth, expecting to close in two weeks or so. Client and his family are very happy with the service; most likely we will remain to be friends. Just had the year end review with my manager, she seemed to be happy about how the progress.

Recently, also joined the Equinox gym around the corner, have been actively swimming for the past two months, except for a short hiatus due to skin rash. Most of the time, I got the whole lane to myself. It felt very relaxing. Last week, I dropped by the Chinatown office to learn calligraphy. Lin S/B is the calligraphy teacher, he is quite good. I can't recall the last time I hold a brush, must be more than 10 years ago. My dad used to make my little brother and I write calligraphy at home all the time. It felt good to be back to this old ritual. In the past few days, I have been writing at least half an hour everyday. Almost felt like meditation.

Well, went to check up on Rice Nana this morning with Mama Rice. Everything is fine. I started to feel her moving around, in fact, quite often. Have gained around 10 lbs since pregnancy, start to show a little. Roger and over.

Monday, November 06, 2006

He lied, but won't step down.

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Nov. 5 — President Chen Shui-bian admitted Sunday that he submitted false receipts for reimbursement from public funds and lied to prosecutors about how he spent the money, but said he had done so in the interest of national security. [continue reading on NY Times]

鞠躬也太晚了吧, 想當初不A就好了.

Friday, November 03, 2006


"Taiwanese prosecutors said today that they had enough evidence to bring corruption charges against President Ah-Bian, a development likely to increase pressure on him to resign....." 聽到這則新聞很驚訝, 沒想到台灣的司法居然是獨立的, 本來以為國務機要費一案, 一定會被政治壓力蓋住. 真相大白, 大塊人心. 該是下台三鞠躬的時間了吧!
NY Times Article

Monday, October 30, 2006


We went to Lenox Hill today. Nano is a little girlie! (80% accurate) Little girlies are cute, smart, and most importantly they don't play basketball. They play soccer instead! Yeah.... Leigo is happy. Grandma still thinks it's a boy, despite what the ultrasound says . Riceman... hm... he said he is happy.... I wonder if that's the true feeling.... wuhahah..... Anyway, the baby moves like crazy again when we see her through the ultrasound. This will be a very active baby. Luv it!

Monday, October 23, 2006


This post is written by Just Crystal. The content is a little rated R, but it is such a funny read.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Leigo and Riceman plan to visit Taiwan and Singapore around end of Nov and to mid Dec. Every time we were in Taiwan, we did very little exploring. Maybe because we felt too much at home. This time, Leigo hopes to do some planning ahead of time and perhaps explore a bit than usual.

Any good suggestion? Food, destination, shop, quaint bed and breakfast, boutique hotel, club.....???

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

7 for all mankind.... REALLY!

其實偶也不是很敗家啦. 除了對牛仔褲比較挑之外, 對其他的要求不會太嚴格啦. 有了這樣的開場, 接下去會比較好敘訴...... 今天米媽來曼哈頓陪我們看醫生, 之後小米想去買一條孕婦穿的牛仔褲, 現在的幾件實在是有點緊. 其實, 對買孕婦裝這件事一點都不期待, 想像不出來會有什麼好貨. 逛啊逛的, 居然發現7 for all mankind有出大肚款, 這個新大陸實在太震奮人心. 試穿了幾件不同牌子, 連勤儉持家的米媽都覺得7比較下真的好看, 有米媽的endoresement之下, 小米閉上眼, 狠心的把卡刷下去. 啊.............. 雖然物質不是一切, 但所帶來短暫的快樂, 還是很爽啦!

Monday, October 16, 2006


明天媽米要帶小Nano看醫生, 應該就可以知道Nano是個小女生還是小男生. 米奶奶很好奇, 也要來參加明天的謎底揭曉. 米奶奶猜是小男生. 台灣的酷公公也猜是男生. 媽米和把鼻猜是小女生. 下注請快, 買定離手!


麵包還沒吃完, 又想到唐人街的潮州粿條,
殺到唐人街, 買了粿條,
鳥為食亡, 人為食忙........

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

More pics of Rice Nano

Week 6

Week 9

Crane accident

Few days ago, a four-ton steel section of a crane's rigging snapped loose and fell onto a taxicab at 110 Third Ave, East Village. Luckily, no one was dead in this near miss accident. Back then when I was working in the construction field, things often fell down from the sites, some will get caught by the horizontal nets, and some will not. On a winday day, if we see a construction site ahead of us, we often take a detour. Urge you guys to do the same. [Curbed Link]

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The toughest critics are also the smallest

There is an article in the Sunday NY Times real estate section - about real estate and kids in Manhattan. Very interesting read. As we are about to bring a new life into this world, I wonder what should we tell s/he about wealth and the way to look at wealth.... [Link to article]

Thursday, September 28, 2006


我必須承認,老娘不是一個很有女人味的女生, 也不是哪種充滿母性光輝"照耀我家窗前"的準媽咪. 目前身體的變化還不大, 除了腰圍寬了點, 咪咪大了點之外, 實在感覺不到北鼻的存在. 所以三步五時常常會忘記自己是個孕婦, 偶而想到自己已經懷孕了, 再想到以後生活的不便, 還會覺得很X! 目前比較確定的是, 我不想自然生產, 痛的老半天, 還要埃一刀, 想到就雞皮疙瘩掉滿地. 天啊... 再繼續講下去我真的覺得自己是一個差勁自私的媽咪.... 糟糕...

First Deal 好爽

祖上積德! 小女昨天成交了生平第一筆生意, 雖然說跟賣方仲介對分, 再跟公司對分, 再分紅給介紹人的情況下, 所剩不多, 但精神上卻特滿足的. 這筆帳付我們年底回台北的機票應該是足足有餘, 搞不好還可以買升等卷. 爽斃了! 小米今年在家當米蟲好一段時間, 終於生產報國了.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A great movie - Ikura

We saw a great movie today - Ikura. Directed by my all time favorite Akira Kurosawa in 1952. A black and white movie with no stunning effect nor femme fatal. It's a movie about a simple man facing death, his emotional conflict, revelation, and transformation. Quite moving. The way Kurosawa shot this film reminds me of Citizen Kane, yet another classic.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lei and Corcoran

My new professional photo is up.... Sent out the annoucement today. Some of you will get emails, or post cards. Anyway, got mixed comments about the photo. Some said it was nice, and some said it was too much make up. My cousin hated it, and asked me to change it immdiately. He is the nicest and honest guy existing in this planet. Hm.. But... What's done is done. Corcoran hired a professional makeup artist and photogrpher to do this. Too late to change it now... I think the photo is OK lah.


昨天沒睡好, 胃不舒服, 翻來覆去的, 老做一些怪夢.
今天起來, 打杯水果奶昔喝喝, 又是好漢一條.

Restaurant review - Cafe Gray

Cafe Gray is one of the restaurant collections at the Time Warner Center. Riceman and Leigo went there this weekend to celebrate an anniversary and a birthday. The restaurant has a gigantic open kitchen near the windows. We requested a table near the kitchen, and watching the chefs at work is a spectacular event by itself. For first courses, we ordered the VEGETABLE RATATOUILLE (coulis of two tomatoes and pine nuts) and RISOTTO with mushroom fricass?e. The ratatoulle is a cool summer dish with two vibrant colors that Riceman totally enjoyed. Leigo felt that the Risotto was nicely presented but a little heavy for summer and it tasted a little too salty. For second course, we had SHORT RIB OF BEEF with soft grits and meaux mustard, and wild see bass on top of a sea of chopped heirloom tomato. The short rib dish was their signature dish, for the first few bites, it tasted great, but it became too heavy after that. The sea bass was good, but not dropping jaw awesome. For dessert, we had CHOCOLATE - PASSION FRUIT SOUFFL? with pineapple gratin. It’s very nicely done with a crispy outside and melting hot inside. The passion fruit syrup was a great compliment with the rich dark chocolate. The dessert was the best compared to other dishes.

In short, we find the food OK, the service SUPERB, decoration GREAT. In Zagat rating system, this is what we would have given Caf? Gray: Food 21 / Service 28 / D?cor 24. One suggestion, when making the reservation, got to request a seat near the kitchen.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

施主席的轟趴 - 笑死了

台灣之子 - 依沒藥醫


One year later after Katrina

One year after Katrina, only 1/2 of the pupolation came back to New Orleans. The population before the storm is 485K, and now 217K. Of those who came back, mostly white. After one year, only 29% of the schools are up and running. The numbers are quite shocking. See more numbers on NPR's report: New Orleans by the Numbers

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Shop till we drop

This Sunday, we went to Woodburry Common with the Hsu family. What a day! These are what we bought:

1 pair of jeans from Diesel
1 pair of dress shoes from Barneys
3 t-shirts
4 socks from Banana

1 wind coat from Barneys
1 sweater from Barneys
1 shorts from Puma
1 shirt from Lacoste
2 long sleeve shirts from Jcrew

Chien Chien
1 suit from Hugo Boss!
1 khakis from Jcrew
1 sweater from Jcrew

1 jacket from Barneys
2 wallets from Jcrew
1 pair of shoes from Puma

Mei Mei
1 sweater from Polo

Joy of shopping, priceless. For everything else, you have master card!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


An article by 龍應台:

我怎麼上「陳水扁」這一課 一個「甘犯眾怒」的微小聲音


Monday, August 14, 2006


[link to article]
[Wiki Cleft]

Saturday, July 29, 2006


七月的第一個禮拜 - 大米到莊嚴寺講課, IC & LL 結婚
七月的第二個禮拜 - 頒發慈濟的獎學金,小米策劃,大米主詞
七月的第三個禮拜 - 法鼓山夏令營

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bad Pirates

Let’s start with a few numbers. At, a Web site that quantifies movie reviews on a 100-point scale, the aggregate score for “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” stands at a sodden 54., a similar site, crunches the critical prose of the nation’s reviewers and comes up with a numerical grade of 52 out of 100. Even in an era of rampant grade inflation, that’s a solid F. [From NY Times]

Thursday, June 22, 2006



Tuesday, June 20, 2006


After one week worth of interviews.... I have landed 5 job offers. I guess it's kind of easy to get into the real estate market. The challenge is yet to come! I took a job with Corcoran's west side office, and will be starting in a few days! As I was typing this, just realized that Lincoln Center's mid summer night swing is officially here! From the loud speaker, I can hear a Spanish gay voice shouting out "five, six, seven, eight". Riceman and Leigo love going to those things, but we never pay to get into the sardine packed dance floor.


種種新聞聽了都... 讓人很煩,心痛,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

All I have to do is dream

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

ah... dream house!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Real Estate

Real estate has been good to Leigo and Riceman in the past few years.... With all the buying and selling, it seems natural that Leigo should get a real estate license... well, so she did. (Why am I speaking on a third person's tone? Hmm... ) Anyway, I took the 45 hour course at Hunter (what a pain), and passed the state test recently. Just had an interview with Bellmarc and Elliman today. And will be seeing Corcoran Downtown, Corcoran Westside and Citihabitat later this week. Bellmarc has an attractive training program. Elliman is very close to home. Corcoran has good name. Hm... choice, choice, choice. Anyway, so I will be starting very soon.... if you guys need help in buying, selling, renting, or you have friends or co-workers who need help. Let me know, I am really good at this!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

News clippings

Read this story today in New York Magazine. Next time, when I go to East Broadway and see the Fujianeses on street, I think I will feel differently about them.

Branding and education.... HBS?!
Got to admit, I have a complex of wanting to be an Ivy League. Not for the pursuit of knowledge but for the shallow reason of branding. Oh.. well... maybe next lifetime.


好快,禪十回來有ㄧ個禮拜!本來打算要寫一篇禪十感言,但隨著ㄧ些體會越飄越遠,文章開了頭,可是怎麼也接不下去了。“老師說:打鐵要趁熱!有沒有聽.....? 沒有嗎!.... 要趁熱!要趁熱!要趁熱!“


禮拜五,和大米哥去吃馬來菜,點了印度麵包,想起以前在新加坡的學校(TKGS),餐廳有個印度老爹,整天在空中甩大餅,中午一到,一群群穿著綠制服的小女生嘰嘰咂咂的排隊買大餅,哇,想起來那時後好幸福。言歸正傳,離開餐廳之後,突然下了場大雨,大米小米沒傘,拼了命的跑,之後看了Da Vinci Code,但娛樂效果還沒在雨中跑步來的快樂!


今天去找 B&C 和他們家的豆豆玩,豆豆是一個很可愛很可愛的一歲小男孩,不哭不鬧,眼睛又大又亮,超可愛的(到底要講幾次可愛!不過實在是太可愛了。)本來以為可以看到 G&M 和小小(另一個北鼻),可惜不巧的他們ㄧ家老小都在發燒生病。這兩個年輕的家庭都住在 New Port,是個很適合小孩很 sterile 的高級住宅區(又想起新加坡)。之後大米到 Chinatown 找他那個萬能的理髮師父,街道整潔的對比還真強烈,但,解釋不出來,對太整齊, overly designed 的地方會有點不習慣,覺得沒人味(難道是習慣髒亂嗎?有可能!)。如果有選擇,如果經濟不是問題,如果有ㄧ天.... if we started a family one day, I hope we can continue to be Manhattanites. 還有,下午在 City Hall 前,看到電影公司勞師動眾的在拍 Spiderman II. They used three cranes, had a rigid cable hanging from the top of an adjacent building, and have a surveyer making marks around the site. All these hassels so that they can insert the animation in the right angle, matching precisely with the site. Hm... very high tech.


Friday, May 26, 2006


Ah-Moon 是大學時代的好朋友,
[Click Me!]


OK Bong

Forwarded by Papa Huang. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


雙手合十 不在乎考驗

[MUSIC 歌手版]

[MUSIC 兒童版]
[MUSIC 歌手兒童版]
[MUSIC 飛越地平線∼唱上癮了]

Friday, May 19, 2006


最近迷上了,一個在香港鳳凰台,叫“鏘鏘三人行“的節目。主持人竇文濤是大陸同胞,加上兩位來賓,通常是一台一港,話題呢,都很有意思。前天,他們討論了關於人生的選擇。上一代的人,也許沒太多的選擇,但一切的錯過,都怪於時代,不見的可憐。這一代的人,有太多選擇,但不見的是一種幸福。有時間聽聽看,對於現在在抉擇間徘徊的幾位小朋友,也許可以有小小的啟發!Click Here

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Do not use ReNu MoistureLoc

Bausch & Lomb said yesterday that it was halting worldwide sales of its ReNu With MoistureLoc cleaner for soft contact lenses because tests showed that its misuse could leave consumers at risk for a potentially blinding fungal infection.... [MORE].

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mother's Day

“Lei, 今天母親節要怎麼慶祝?“
“師姑... 我母親不在了。“
“喔.... 對不起“




Thursday, May 04, 2006


Both Citibank and HSBC now offer e-saving accounts that have 4.5% APY. Attractive rate , huh?! Almost as good as the US Treasury Bond.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert reporting from the white house, Bush bashing with George W. Bush just a few feet away. The president did not seemed impressed, the audience barely laughed, but I find it very funny. Good job! NY Times Article.

Stphen Colbert on Youtube

Monday, May 01, 2006


今天林肯中心的廣場出了個怪ㄎㄚ,一個叫David Blaine的魔術師要在水族箱住上八天七夜。沒錯!?水族箱就停在林肯中心。一種米養百種人!大家可以去看看,我比較好奇的是他要怎麼便便?

前幾天聽到的一句話:"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. " 頗有同感。


This weekend, we finally took the bikes out from the basement and brought them to central park for a ride. Did three small loops only. Too lazy to go uphills in the big loop. Quite a scary realization that the bike tour is just a few days away.... we are so not in shape.

Leigo went to an open house this weekend, to observe the working style of a broker. It's a $2.7m apartment, 3 bedrooms, uppwer west side, wwned by an asian hedge fund manager, a pianist, and their little boy. Observation of the day: Manhattan is full of super rich peopole, it's pretty crazy! Lot's of all-cash buyers floating around. Where do they get their money from, I wonder?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006



【歌手】:布 仁巴雅爾

爸爸 哎!
太陽出來月亮回家了嗎? 對拉!
星星出來太陽去哪啦? 在天上!
我怎麼找也找不到它? 它回家啦!

媽媽 哎!
葉子綠了什麼時候開花? 等夏天來了!
花兒紅了果實能去摘嗎? 等秋天到啦!
果實種在土壤能發芽嗎? 她會長大的!

寶貝 啊?
爸爸像太陽照著媽媽! 那媽媽呢?
媽媽像綠葉托著紅花! 我呢?
你像種子一樣正在發芽! 我們三個就是吉祥如意的一家!


"生命會在一天天地過活下轉彎" ~ Chien Chien



每個禮拜去兩次教堂,已經快連續兩個月,聽口氣似乎要繼續。說真的,非常震驚,感覺上好像是被戰友半途拋棄.... 但老爸聽上去充滿著喜悅,其實只要能開心安心,不管是教堂還是禪堂,都很是替他隨喜。算是一個生命的轉彎吧!


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Open House - Leigo

The rice lounge will be open tomorrow from 7:30 PM onwards. Come, and we will order take out together, and follow by a movie later.


作生意真的沒有想像中的容易,上個禮拜送的計畫像石沈大海一樣,撲咚,沒消沒息。幾次打電話想知道對方的回應,對方都沒接,不是離開辦公室,就是電話中,或是假裝電話中....who knows?! 以前在上班的時候也常常不接電話,算是因緣果報吧。今天約了第二個客戶在Bar Masa吃飯,發現談正經事情吃飯,好吃的東西都變得食之無味,浪費了美食和廚師的心意。客戶趕時間先離開,結果付錢時,居然發現沒帶錢包,尷尬死了!好險bar masa的服務生還算態度友善,讓我回家拿錢包。付了錢後,想想生意下一步要怎麼走,太陽晒在身上暖暖的,春天到了,Central Park的花花草草開的放肆極了,跟mr. softie買了一個ice cream cone, 邊舔邊回家,沒想到幸福可以那麼近。

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


After spending hours fixing the new blog look, here it is finally. Boy, do I waste a lot of time today!? The fun part about this new look is that I get to change the header pictures. Earlier this afternoon, I took a few pictures on my way to the post office. Sometime, it's easy to take New York for granted, and forget that it has so much to offer.

Another trivial fact... A few days ago, I went on a scale, and surprisingly found out that I am at my all time LOW in terms of weight. Two digits!!! I have passed the two digits threshhold in collage, and since then, it was a one way ticket. Very very surprised about the dramatic weight loss, especially when I am not as busy as before! Hm... I guess the tap dancing classes do help to burn some serious calorie???!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

10,000 hits

Looks like in a matter of hours, this blog will reach its 10,000th hit. Thanks everyone for visiting and leaving messages. Your feedbacks have been making this process fun.

Besides from that, Leigo has just signed up for a real estate license class at Hunter Collage. The class is one week long and will begin next week. Working from home can get very isolated, and honestly doesn't keep me busy enough (YET!). Real estate has always been a hobby, if it can also generate some income, wouldn't that be nice?! I usually have bad impression of typical real estate brokers, hopefully I won't become one of them.

Third, and yet another totally irrelevent event: Earlier today, Leigo and Riceman went to the business library on 34th St to play around with a Bloomberg machine. This was the first time for both of us. The machine can be quite intimidating to look at and to use. After playing around for a solid half an hour, we were totally convinced that we had no idea on what we were doing. Ended up running away as far as we can from the machine..... and decided that... stocks are just way too complicated for us to comprehend, not our cup of tea.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today's finding

For the first time after coming back from China, Leigo spent a good amount of today browsing through the NY Times Real Estate listings. Very surprised to find out the amount of manhattan apartments available under $300K. This was not the case a year ago. Hm... i guess the market did sink a little bit. Good time to buy?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006



Friday, March 31, 2006

Riceman and Leigo's Wedding Clip

A good friend of ours directed this video for our wedding, and recently uploaded to youtube. Time flies, can't believe it that we have been married for over three years now. My grandparents traveled all the way from Taiwan to attend our wedding. Now they are both gone, making me a little sad when I see them on the footage. Other than that, it was a retarded, but nonetheless fun fun fun wedding.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Over Youtube

This Christmas light installation is pretty spectacular. Lots of youtube posts recently, huh?!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006



This list came out a few years ago, while we were still in collage. I remember going though the list with YY at 2K and making marks on those books that we have read so far, and said that we should read all of them one of these days.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006



Kate/Jack Spade Sample Sales
3pm - 7pm, monday, april 3
9am - 7pm, tuesday, april 4
9am - 7pm, wednesday, april 5
At the metropolitan pavilion
125 west 18th street (between 6th and 7th)

Monday, March 27, 2006

沒有工作, 那我是誰?

trivial, trivial, trivial.



Friday, March 24, 2006

輕鬆ㄧ下 聽聽音樂

I was browsing thru youtube, and found that there is a big following of these two chinese boys. They crack me up. Very funny.

The other day, we heard 明天會更好 in Chien Chien's car. It felt very warm and nolstalgic. This is a simialr song done two/three years ago by many famous Taiwanese singers aginst SARS. 聽聽這些感人大合唱,會覺得很有元氣!

Marvellous tap dancing by Fred Astaire with Eleanor Powel. The music, the set and the tapping shoes can rewind the clock back to the gilded age of 1940. 如果...如果... 有一天..我的腳能那麼聽話... 該有多美..

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Just finished a long conversation with the factory in China. Very frustrated. Have been waiting for them to submit an estimate, but looks like they have not even started looking at the drawings.... sigh....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006



Sunday, March 19, 2006

痛 痛 痛 痛 痛痛痛痛

Yes, we had a fun day yesterday. We were playing non-stop from 9AM to midnight, starting off with yummy potato pancakes, to badminton, martial art, good food, movie, bs with friends, and come home to bs more with more friends. We haven't indulge ourselves like this for a long time. It felt good. When I wake up today, my whole body ache really bad from the exercise. Got to exertcise more often. 姊妹們,加油ㄚ!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Today I went to visit a case with San San S/G. A high school senior, also a student at the Chinese school. He was run over by a car wile walking on the sidewalk. Can you believe that?! The car driver was a Taiwanese, and so is this boy. One of his leg was amputated, it's pretty hard to look at him in the face. San San S/G did most of the talking, I don't know what positive thing to say at all.... I can't imagine if this happen to people close to us.

BTW, if any of you are interested in knowing more about Tzu Chi 慈濟,or would like to be a member or volunteer, please let me know.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


去了附近的 Broadway Dance Center,
有跳jazz, hiphop, ballet, tap....

Sunday, March 12, 2006


真老態.... 老.... 老死了!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So... This is Architrade

Finally, my little 7'x 2.5' office is set up. One solid core door sitting on top of two British red file cabinets. Even managed to negoticate 7' x 1' of air space from the heater. The space is pretty minimal but functional. It overlooked Lincoln Center. I worked the whole day today in the space, and absolutely loved it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006



Ang Lee in Oscar

Couldn't get the first sentence he said. Anyone? I like the way he said thank you in Chinese and address to people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. 格局大啊!




Saturday, March 04, 2006

Office Furniture

這幾天很積極的在找個適合的辦公桌,左看右看上看下看,the dream office space will be a silver glass top desk with orange metal file cabinets from USM ($5500), and an Aeron Chair from Herman Miller ($900). After all, a dream is a dream. 夢想和現實通常都有一點距離,明天要去IKEA買桌子。椅子呢,可能先用餐桌椅。

Architrade 趕快賺錢啊,這樣子,我就可以去買漂漂的桌椅!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Few weeks ago, NY magazine has a featured article about bloggers. The article lists out the top 50 blogs around the globe, judged by number of hits. Some are good, and some makes me wonder how the hell did they get on the list. You guys can take a look at it and be the judges yourselves. While browsing, another article in NY mag caught my attention - 10 points escape plan to Taipei.

Well, what I really want to recommend is a blog called 黃小黛. Her writing style is very enjoyable - clean, down to earth, and yet touching. Especially love her collections on families and friends. Real emotions, real people, and really good reads.

OK, time for some cough syrup....


Aiyaya... I have been unethically trying to BT iWeb, which is part of iLife 06. First attempt took about 4 days to complete download, but the installation failed. Second time took about 2 days, installation failed again. Maybe it’s a sign that I should actually buy the real version.



This explians why I am blogging at the middle of the night.

Friday, February 17, 2006





Grandma Slideshow

Monday, January 16, 2006

Name card design

Leigo spend yesterday designing her new company's logo and name card. Here is the first draft. Designers and metro-chic ppl out there, please feel free to critique and comment. Be straight forward, I can take it.