Saturday, September 30, 2006

The toughest critics are also the smallest

There is an article in the Sunday NY Times real estate section - about real estate and kids in Manhattan. Very interesting read. As we are about to bring a new life into this world, I wonder what should we tell s/he about wealth and the way to look at wealth.... [Link to article]

Thursday, September 28, 2006


我必須承認,老娘不是一個很有女人味的女生, 也不是哪種充滿母性光輝"照耀我家窗前"的準媽咪. 目前身體的變化還不大, 除了腰圍寬了點, 咪咪大了點之外, 實在感覺不到北鼻的存在. 所以三步五時常常會忘記自己是個孕婦, 偶而想到自己已經懷孕了, 再想到以後生活的不便, 還會覺得很X! 目前比較確定的是, 我不想自然生產, 痛的老半天, 還要埃一刀, 想到就雞皮疙瘩掉滿地. 天啊... 再繼續講下去我真的覺得自己是一個差勁自私的媽咪.... 糟糕...

First Deal 好爽

祖上積德! 小女昨天成交了生平第一筆生意, 雖然說跟賣方仲介對分, 再跟公司對分, 再分紅給介紹人的情況下, 所剩不多, 但精神上卻特滿足的. 這筆帳付我們年底回台北的機票應該是足足有餘, 搞不好還可以買升等卷. 爽斃了! 小米今年在家當米蟲好一段時間, 終於生產報國了.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A great movie - Ikura

We saw a great movie today - Ikura. Directed by my all time favorite Akira Kurosawa in 1952. A black and white movie with no stunning effect nor femme fatal. It's a movie about a simple man facing death, his emotional conflict, revelation, and transformation. Quite moving. The way Kurosawa shot this film reminds me of Citizen Kane, yet another classic.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lei and Corcoran

My new professional photo is up.... Sent out the annoucement today. Some of you will get emails, or post cards. Anyway, got mixed comments about the photo. Some said it was nice, and some said it was too much make up. My cousin hated it, and asked me to change it immdiately. He is the nicest and honest guy existing in this planet. Hm.. But... What's done is done. Corcoran hired a professional makeup artist and photogrpher to do this. Too late to change it now... I think the photo is OK lah.


昨天沒睡好, 胃不舒服, 翻來覆去的, 老做一些怪夢.
今天起來, 打杯水果奶昔喝喝, 又是好漢一條.

Restaurant review - Cafe Gray

Cafe Gray is one of the restaurant collections at the Time Warner Center. Riceman and Leigo went there this weekend to celebrate an anniversary and a birthday. The restaurant has a gigantic open kitchen near the windows. We requested a table near the kitchen, and watching the chefs at work is a spectacular event by itself. For first courses, we ordered the VEGETABLE RATATOUILLE (coulis of two tomatoes and pine nuts) and RISOTTO with mushroom fricass?e. The ratatoulle is a cool summer dish with two vibrant colors that Riceman totally enjoyed. Leigo felt that the Risotto was nicely presented but a little heavy for summer and it tasted a little too salty. For second course, we had SHORT RIB OF BEEF with soft grits and meaux mustard, and wild see bass on top of a sea of chopped heirloom tomato. The short rib dish was their signature dish, for the first few bites, it tasted great, but it became too heavy after that. The sea bass was good, but not dropping jaw awesome. For dessert, we had CHOCOLATE - PASSION FRUIT SOUFFL? with pineapple gratin. It’s very nicely done with a crispy outside and melting hot inside. The passion fruit syrup was a great compliment with the rich dark chocolate. The dessert was the best compared to other dishes.

In short, we find the food OK, the service SUPERB, decoration GREAT. In Zagat rating system, this is what we would have given Caf? Gray: Food 21 / Service 28 / D?cor 24. One suggestion, when making the reservation, got to request a seat near the kitchen.