Monday, January 29, 2007

迷失的白雪公主 (轉貼)



她拿到作文簿之後,一直哭一直哭一直哭,哭到說不出任何話,我望著泣不成聲的她,覺得自己的淚也要跟著掉了下來。後來,我沒有再問她任何事,也沒有跟她說任何話,只留了一張字條,寫下我的電話和電子郵件信箱,拍拍她的肩膀就去上下一堂課了。 To continue reading...

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Producers

Went to see the Producers tonight. Thanks for NYTimes, we got 1/2 price tickets online. Liked the humor a lot. Tony Denza is not really a Broadway material, but everyone else has superb performance. Very entertaining and enjoyable. The last time we saw a Broadway show..... was four years ago with Adi... long time ago. When Nana joins us later on, our chance for a night out will be slim slim slim. Two more months to go!

Banana muffins!!

Baking usually does not come natural for me. Today, for the first time, I have baked something good for a change. This is the recipe I used. Nana Ba, and the doormen all liked it. Tears going down my cheeks....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Year 2006 in review

First, we are expecting a little baby girl. The baby kicks around often, and we began to feel her presence in the family. We are excited and look forward to see her in person this coming spring. For sure, life will be different from now on. And, here are the rest….

Early this year, Lei resigned from her eight-year tenure as a construction manager at Bovis. She later started a business, which ended shortly. In fall, she moved into real estate, got a license and joined Corcoran. Since then, she was able to successfully completed three sales transactions, which is a pretty good start.

July marked Jimmy’s tenth year with Credit Suisse. Returning to work after last year’s sabbatical, he managed a new project to completion in May within very aggressive deadlines. Over the course of the year, Jimmy hired two people in New York and Raleigh and relocated one person to Singapore.

In May, Lei and Jimmy participated in the 42-mile NYC Bike Tour for the third year in the row. Lei was brave enough to finish the tour despite a bad fall. We attended a 10-day meditation retreat in Pinebush, New York in June. During the summer months we kept busy with various weekend projects for our favorite non-profit organizations. Exciting news of our baby-girl-to-be was announced in the fall to our family and friends who responded with warm wishes and lots of advice! In December, while Lei was in her second trimester, we traveled to Taiwan and Singapore, which was probably our last grand trip as a twosome for many years to come.

Although 2006 does not seem very eventful, we feel that there is a lot to be thankful for. As we are about to march into a different stage of life, we started to look back our life since graduating from college. We were really blessed in so many different ways, either professionally or personally. Lei is especially grateful to her mother-in-law for being so caring during her pregnancy. We thank you all for the friendship and love, and wish you a very healthy and successful 2007 to come.

Jimmy and Lei