Thursday, June 22, 2006



Tuesday, June 20, 2006


After one week worth of interviews.... I have landed 5 job offers. I guess it's kind of easy to get into the real estate market. The challenge is yet to come! I took a job with Corcoran's west side office, and will be starting in a few days! As I was typing this, just realized that Lincoln Center's mid summer night swing is officially here! From the loud speaker, I can hear a Spanish gay voice shouting out "five, six, seven, eight". Riceman and Leigo love going to those things, but we never pay to get into the sardine packed dance floor.


種種新聞聽了都... 讓人很煩,心痛,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

All I have to do is dream

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

ah... dream house!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Real Estate

Real estate has been good to Leigo and Riceman in the past few years.... With all the buying and selling, it seems natural that Leigo should get a real estate license... well, so she did. (Why am I speaking on a third person's tone? Hmm... ) Anyway, I took the 45 hour course at Hunter (what a pain), and passed the state test recently. Just had an interview with Bellmarc and Elliman today. And will be seeing Corcoran Downtown, Corcoran Westside and Citihabitat later this week. Bellmarc has an attractive training program. Elliman is very close to home. Corcoran has good name. Hm... choice, choice, choice. Anyway, so I will be starting very soon.... if you guys need help in buying, selling, renting, or you have friends or co-workers who need help. Let me know, I am really good at this!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

News clippings

Read this story today in New York Magazine. Next time, when I go to East Broadway and see the Fujianeses on street, I think I will feel differently about them.

Branding and education.... HBS?!
Got to admit, I have a complex of wanting to be an Ivy League. Not for the pursuit of knowledge but for the shallow reason of branding. Oh.. well... maybe next lifetime.


好快,禪十回來有ㄧ個禮拜!本來打算要寫一篇禪十感言,但隨著ㄧ些體會越飄越遠,文章開了頭,可是怎麼也接不下去了。“老師說:打鐵要趁熱!有沒有聽.....? 沒有嗎!.... 要趁熱!要趁熱!要趁熱!“


禮拜五,和大米哥去吃馬來菜,點了印度麵包,想起以前在新加坡的學校(TKGS),餐廳有個印度老爹,整天在空中甩大餅,中午一到,一群群穿著綠制服的小女生嘰嘰咂咂的排隊買大餅,哇,想起來那時後好幸福。言歸正傳,離開餐廳之後,突然下了場大雨,大米小米沒傘,拼了命的跑,之後看了Da Vinci Code,但娛樂效果還沒在雨中跑步來的快樂!


今天去找 B&C 和他們家的豆豆玩,豆豆是一個很可愛很可愛的一歲小男孩,不哭不鬧,眼睛又大又亮,超可愛的(到底要講幾次可愛!不過實在是太可愛了。)本來以為可以看到 G&M 和小小(另一個北鼻),可惜不巧的他們ㄧ家老小都在發燒生病。這兩個年輕的家庭都住在 New Port,是個很適合小孩很 sterile 的高級住宅區(又想起新加坡)。之後大米到 Chinatown 找他那個萬能的理髮師父,街道整潔的對比還真強烈,但,解釋不出來,對太整齊, overly designed 的地方會有點不習慣,覺得沒人味(難道是習慣髒亂嗎?有可能!)。如果有選擇,如果經濟不是問題,如果有ㄧ天.... if we started a family one day, I hope we can continue to be Manhattanites. 還有,下午在 City Hall 前,看到電影公司勞師動眾的在拍 Spiderman II. They used three cranes, had a rigid cable hanging from the top of an adjacent building, and have a surveyer making marks around the site. All these hassels so that they can insert the animation in the right angle, matching precisely with the site. Hm... very high tech.
