Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Real Estate

Real estate has been good to Leigo and Riceman in the past few years.... With all the buying and selling, it seems natural that Leigo should get a real estate license... well, so she did. (Why am I speaking on a third person's tone? Hmm... ) Anyway, I took the 45 hour course at Hunter (what a pain), and passed the state test recently. Just had an interview with Bellmarc and Elliman today. And will be seeing Corcoran Downtown, Corcoran Westside and Citihabitat later this week. Bellmarc has an attractive training program. Elliman is very close to home. Corcoran has good name. Hm... choice, choice, choice. Anyway, so I will be starting very soon.... if you guys need help in buying, selling, renting, or you have friends or co-workers who need help. Let me know, I am really good at this!


Anonymous said...

其實我還蠻希望妳去做Realtor的,談玄論理都不切實際,妳應該從土地上去體悟,妳適合土木業,如果想從事Estate Developer或建材供應商,那麼接近Real Estate市場是正確的,妳是見過大場面的,我建議妳盡量去找大標的物,與有錢人周旋,妳會學到東西,而且做得較愉快。不過這學習的過程有點像修行,祝勝利成功

Anonymous said...

I have a question:

What % would be a reasonable offer price on a property? Is it now seller's or buyer's market? Thank you.

IChiban said...

Wow sounds like a Multi-Million dollar business. ArchTrade + NYC power broker!

Anonymous said...


Leigo said...

To Anonymous - Hm... Right now, it's a buyer's maket. There are lots choices out there with no crazy bidding war. Not like the situation two years ago. As for the offering price, it all depends on whether the asking price is over or under market value. Also have to take consideration of the time this property is on the market, and the number of similar apts available out there, etc. As you can see, there are lots of factors.... Well, if you need a good agent to represent you, let me know:)

To Ba, YY, IC - Thanks!

Anonymous said...

whahaaahaa~ finally!! congratulations! hurry up and call angelini! she might be ur first customer! =P

Anonymous said...

yes yes! i'm trying to talk my mom into buying a studio, but she told me to understand more about the current market now before taking any action...