Friday, November 17, 2006

Sample Sales

Kate / Jack Spade

11/16–11/19 Clothes for both genders are represented at Steven Alan, where Mayle, Rogues Gallery, and the house label are 30 to 75 percent off. Isabel Marant pants are now $55. 87 Franklin St., nr. Broadway (212-343-0692); Thurs. and Fri. (8:30–8); Sat. (noon–7); Sun. (noon–5).

Thanks to Chris for the info.


最近把部落格移到blogger beta 版本, 順便分門別類把這兩年的posts整理一下. 再看了其中幾篇關於家人和童年的文章, 聯想起童年,嘴角不經意小小得揚了起來. 童年的一大半, 是住在台北東區的四摟公寓, 很普通的那種. 一樓有個紅色帶鏽的的大門, 門的右邊是個對講機, 共六個玲, 代表有六戶人家, 公寓的外牆是灰色的小碎石, 沒電梯, 沒中央空調, 家家都有陽台, 有些人種花, 有些人會把陽台加蓋, 變成室內的一部分. 回想起來, 整體上算是蠻平民化的房子, 或入骨的說, 沒美感的的房子. 不過, 在台北小巷子裡這樣的公寓很多, 大家都是住這樣的公寓, 況且小時候, 美醜似乎不是問題. 我們住的那個社區叫武昌新村, 有一個橫行的巷, 巷子的沿路有各式各樣的小店, 和菜場, 縱行有十來個弄, 這樣子的巷弄, 型成了一個自足的小社區. 社區的小朋友都是讀同一個小學. 我們家住在四弄, 班上有一個同學叫葉x芸, 住在八弄, 是個漂亮會唸書的小女孩, 她媽媽開了一個家庭式的美容院, 社區所有的媽媽都在那裡洗頭, 八卦. 葉x芸的成績很好, 每次月考都是滿分, 她媽也超愛炫燿的, 每次老媽去洗頭都會被問, “哎喲, 偶們家葉x芸哦, 月考又考滿分, 啊你們黃蕾呢?” 如果我走狗運, 考得不錯的話, 我媽也會炫燿回去, 如果我考糟了, 老媽就會灰頭塗臉的回來興師問罪, 這樣子的routine居然可以維持好幾年, 一直到我們搬到新加坡. 那時候, 真是很不爽那一對母女. 二十年過後, 小時候的朋友還有聯絡的也只有零星的一兩個. 幾年前回台北, 到舊家看看, 發現那個美容院還在, 好奇的想知道後來葉x芸長大變成什麼樣子? 但後來我還是沒進去, 笑一笑, 繼續往前走. 祝福小時候的玩伴.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


It's been three months since I became a broker. Lifestyle is slowly sinking in. I go to the office about 2 to 3 times a week, and show apartments also about 2 to 3 times a week. A much more flexible and relaxing schedule compared to life at the construction site. The first deal went very smooth, expecting to close in two weeks or so. Client and his family are very happy with the service; most likely we will remain to be friends. Just had the year end review with my manager, she seemed to be happy about how the progress.

Recently, also joined the Equinox gym around the corner, have been actively swimming for the past two months, except for a short hiatus due to skin rash. Most of the time, I got the whole lane to myself. It felt very relaxing. Last week, I dropped by the Chinatown office to learn calligraphy. Lin S/B is the calligraphy teacher, he is quite good. I can't recall the last time I hold a brush, must be more than 10 years ago. My dad used to make my little brother and I write calligraphy at home all the time. It felt good to be back to this old ritual. In the past few days, I have been writing at least half an hour everyday. Almost felt like meditation.

Well, went to check up on Rice Nana this morning with Mama Rice. Everything is fine. I started to feel her moving around, in fact, quite often. Have gained around 10 lbs since pregnancy, start to show a little. Roger and over.

Monday, November 06, 2006

He lied, but won't step down.

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Nov. 5 — President Chen Shui-bian admitted Sunday that he submitted false receipts for reimbursement from public funds and lied to prosecutors about how he spent the money, but said he had done so in the interest of national security. [continue reading on NY Times]

鞠躬也太晚了吧, 想當初不A就好了.

Friday, November 03, 2006


"Taiwanese prosecutors said today that they had enough evidence to bring corruption charges against President Ah-Bian, a development likely to increase pressure on him to resign....." 聽到這則新聞很驚訝, 沒想到台灣的司法居然是獨立的, 本來以為國務機要費一案, 一定會被政治壓力蓋住. 真相大白, 大塊人心. 該是下台三鞠躬的時間了吧!
NY Times Article