Tuesday, April 25, 2006



【歌手】:布 仁巴雅爾

爸爸 哎!
太陽出來月亮回家了嗎? 對拉!
星星出來太陽去哪啦? 在天上!
我怎麼找也找不到它? 它回家啦!

媽媽 哎!
葉子綠了什麼時候開花? 等夏天來了!
花兒紅了果實能去摘嗎? 等秋天到啦!
果實種在土壤能發芽嗎? 她會長大的!

寶貝 啊?
爸爸像太陽照著媽媽! 那媽媽呢?
媽媽像綠葉托著紅花! 我呢?
你像種子一樣正在發芽! 我們三個就是吉祥如意的一家!


"生命會在一天天地過活下轉彎" ~ Chien Chien



每個禮拜去兩次教堂,已經快連續兩個月,聽口氣似乎要繼續。說真的,非常震驚,感覺上好像是被戰友半途拋棄.... 但老爸聽上去充滿著喜悅,其實只要能開心安心,不管是教堂還是禪堂,都很是替他隨喜。算是一個生命的轉彎吧!


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Open House - Leigo

The rice lounge will be open tomorrow from 7:30 PM onwards. Come, and we will order take out together, and follow by a movie later.


作生意真的沒有想像中的容易,上個禮拜送的計畫像石沈大海一樣,撲咚,沒消沒息。幾次打電話想知道對方的回應,對方都沒接,不是離開辦公室,就是電話中,或是假裝電話中....who knows?! 以前在上班的時候也常常不接電話,算是因緣果報吧。今天約了第二個客戶在Bar Masa吃飯,發現談正經事情吃飯,好吃的東西都變得食之無味,浪費了美食和廚師的心意。客戶趕時間先離開,結果付錢時,居然發現沒帶錢包,尷尬死了!好險bar masa的服務生還算態度友善,讓我回家拿錢包。付了錢後,想想生意下一步要怎麼走,太陽晒在身上暖暖的,春天到了,Central Park的花花草草開的放肆極了,跟mr. softie買了一個ice cream cone, 邊舔邊回家,沒想到幸福可以那麼近。

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


After spending hours fixing the new blog look, here it is finally. Boy, do I waste a lot of time today!? The fun part about this new look is that I get to change the header pictures. Earlier this afternoon, I took a few pictures on my way to the post office. Sometime, it's easy to take New York for granted, and forget that it has so much to offer.

Another trivial fact... A few days ago, I went on a scale, and surprisingly found out that I am at my all time LOW in terms of weight. Two digits!!! I have passed the two digits threshhold in collage, and since then, it was a one way ticket. Very very surprised about the dramatic weight loss, especially when I am not as busy as before! Hm... I guess the tap dancing classes do help to burn some serious calorie???!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

10,000 hits

Looks like in a matter of hours, this blog will reach its 10,000th hit. Thanks everyone for visiting and leaving messages. Your feedbacks have been making this process fun.

Besides from that, Leigo has just signed up for a real estate license class at Hunter Collage. The class is one week long and will begin next week. Working from home can get very isolated, and honestly doesn't keep me busy enough (YET!). Real estate has always been a hobby, if it can also generate some income, wouldn't that be nice?! I usually have bad impression of typical real estate brokers, hopefully I won't become one of them.

Third, and yet another totally irrelevent event: Earlier today, Leigo and Riceman went to the business library on 34th St to play around with a Bloomberg machine. This was the first time for both of us. The machine can be quite intimidating to look at and to use. After playing around for a solid half an hour, we were totally convinced that we had no idea on what we were doing. Ended up running away as far as we can from the machine..... and decided that... stocks are just way too complicated for us to comprehend, not our cup of tea.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today's finding

For the first time after coming back from China, Leigo spent a good amount of today browsing through the NY Times Real Estate listings. Very surprised to find out the amount of manhattan apartments available under $300K. This was not the case a year ago. Hm... i guess the market did sink a little bit. Good time to buy?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

