Wednesday, November 23, 2005

11/23 徒步漂流漓江

真 是完美的一天!坐小巴到楊堤,徒步兩公里到浪石,竹筏漂流上癮了,在浪石又上了竹筏,漂了十公里到九馬畫山.這一段可是漓江最精華的一段,美呆了.本來要 從九馬畫山?渡到對岸,在走到興坪,但不小心上了趕集的黑心船,船家不老實讓我們走回頭路,好險我們及時發覺在下一站下船,沒給他錢.走了六公里路,一路 上的田園風光和漓江山水,到興坪剛好天黑,坐小巴回揚朔.大小米餓死了,合吃完一大桶飯.


1 comment:

MagPie said...

that sounds like a lot of fun. how do u know about all these places?? got an email from yoyo about having hot pot or little SH dumpling, see you in a few days law. btw, upon your description, my parents and I decided to take a trip tp Chengdu during x'mas. gotta ask you for all the cool place to visit.