Monday, October 17, 2005

10/17 新天地, 城隍廟, 春餐廳

In the morning, 四嬸和大姑丈 went to a nearby market to buy 薺菜包子,糯米蓮藕,and soy milk, what a great breakfast! Later that day, we went to 新天地, a bit commercial, but no doubt a space with top notch design. Then we went to 城隍廟 to look around and ate at 綠波廊,we enjoyed their miniature dumplings and many other desserts. After lunch, we headed to Shanghai Museum at People's Square, and then the Bond. At NY Time's recommendation, we went to a home style restaurant with three tables 春餐廳,probably our greatest meal so far: 大甲蟹年糕, 醬鴨,油爆沙蝦,雪豆苗,等等等,好吃極了!大姑今天出院,家裡一下變得熱鬧好多!

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