Wednesday, October 10, 2007


女士們先生們, 讓我們歡迎海協會副會長,張明清先生.

大家好,我是張明清.首先發佈一則有關於部落格和言論發表方面的消息: 紐約, 有一位小馬麻, 平常喜歡在個人部落格發表生活點滴, 比鼻照片, 和遊記趣事. 據情報顯示, 這位小馬麻的政治傾向可能偏藍. 今天, 這小小的部落格, 慘遭匿名人士的攻擊, 霹靂啪啦的連續寫了許多帶有人身攻擊的留言. 小馬麻受寵若驚, 沒想到部落格會受到如此激烈鄉民的青睞. 為避免無謂的煩惱, 今後所有的留言將經過管制, 有所不便, 請多包含.

我們為這位愛罵人, 愛台灣, 但不敢留名的人士, 掌聲鼓勵鼓勵!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "歹誌大條了": Can't believe the degree of ignorance until I came across your glad you are out of Taiwan, did you bring a lot of people like you when you left? Taiwan will be much better off with people with wisdom, you know? Please do not ever visit Taiwan or claim you are part of Taiwan in any way... that will be a disgrace!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "He lied, but won't step down.": He lied? Wow... and how do you know about that for sure? Be careful, sending aweful messages out can get you some interesting karma in return. Next time, don't assume the world out of your limited zone! Perhaps it's time to look inside instead of looking out and pointing fingers all the time! If not because of him, you might have the freedom of speech - but then, according to the stuff you are saying.... I wonder if you should have such freedom...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "阿扁都不知 大陸的競爭力有多驚人...": I suppose it would be hard to ask the monkey or Chinese to be responsible for all the competitive lead toys and killer products! Don't let money drawn your head or you might find it hard to scream out "help"!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "心痛": If Taiwan belongs to China just because China once had some "people" over in Taiwan... well, I suppose nearly the entire Europe should be part of China... Use your head sometimes, it does not seem to work too well. Seems to have lots of "knowledge" but definitely extremely low wisdom came out of it....Want to practice Buddhism? Well, why not start looking at yourself! If you aren't a perfect being, don't ask others to be one. That will make you look sooo bad........

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "倒扁?挺扁?": Well, don't ever say you are an American because your ancestors came from China... what kind of logic is that? If you really love Taiwan - then have some common sense and put yourself in his position.


riceman said...




Chris said...

鄉親啊! 加丟係愛歹玩哪!

Anonymous said...

為避免無謂的煩惱? you were troubled? sad...can't be brave for your concept of "支持多元化社會"?? Just have to term it as 匿名人身攻擊??? must have low ability with accepting diversity and easily moved with voices that are different from yours! weep...weep.... that might signify the decay of "Blueness" world...

Leigo said...

FYI. I am not bothered, simply amused. Still anonymous ah? I see……… You are proud to be a green supporter, and need to be anonymous to do so.

Mini-DV said...

慢吔是 Blue .. Green?


eatgod said...

wow.... I am sorry to see this kind of bullshits. Man, this person really doesn't like you. Recently I also had an "Anonymous" person posted on my blog with very aggressive comments. I wonder what motivate them to write comments like this?