Monday, May 01, 2006


今天林肯中心的廣場出了個怪ㄎㄚ,一個叫David Blaine的魔術師要在水族箱住上八天七夜。沒錯!?水族箱就停在林肯中心。一種米養百種人!大家可以去看看,我比較好奇的是他要怎麼便便?

前幾天聽到的一句話:"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. " 頗有同感。


Anonymous said...

He's a pretty famous magician who used to have a TV show called Street Magic. He built up his fame by doing a 44-day endurance stunt in London last year. He "lived" in a transparent cage that was hung 30 ft above ground. During this period no food or water was given to him, but he survived!!
I'm going to go take a look after my presentation tomorrow :)

Leigo said...

angelini - call me when you are in lincoln center. we will go get a cone of ice cream together. the mr. softie truck in front of gracious home has the best ice cream in the neighborhood. although he is $50 more, it's still worth it.

DiDi said...

I think he also put him self in a giant ice cube at time square once, i dont remember when though.

I would like to have some ice cream too.... hehe

Mini-DV said...

I used to like him, but this guy is getting weird with strange stunts.

Leigo since you live so close to Lincoln Center, and you need to make oversea phone calls late at night. Please do pay close attention to him around 3-5 AM. He might come out while people are not around...:-)

Anonymous said...

i want icecream too...

and take some photos for that weired guy...

Chien Chien said...

Looking at the "ball", surrounded by the Met Opera House and Lincoln Center Music hall, a very ruminating experience, I must say. The old VS the new, classic VS modern...

BTW, the building I told you about, 40 Mercer St., the name of the architect is Jean Nouvel. Priced at 2.7 mil or above, the 1-, 2-, and 3- bedroom apt are all sold. New York does have alot of rich people. Conspicuous Affluence!

Anonymous said...

I read that they feed him with a tube and he relieves himself with a tube too. Hey is he still gonna be there next Tues? I want to go see him.

Leigo said...

Around 4~5PM each day, there are performances going on to cheer David Blaine. Yesterday, we have a Jap drum troupe with kung fu performance. Today, a singer. I can hear them just by opening up the window. It's quite nice.

Powderpuff said...

I heard that he doesn't consume anything solid at all so that he doesn't need to "poop"! Besides, he got cleaned out before he went in.

For urine, he has a cathter to drain (just like nursing home male residents). It's actually very uncomfortable.
Not sure why he is doing this act. Practice for his future?!!

Anyway, he is definately worth of seeing. Mini-DV and I will go after work on Friday.

Dahtowawa said...

I saw him sleeping on the bottom of the tank yesterday.

Powderpuff said...

Really?!! that is so cool!!

hope that the life support tube is long enough for him to sit in the bottom or he will suddenly become drowned as to satisfy the first part of his act "drown and live".
hehe evil me~

IChiban said...

So when did Scuba Diving became Magic?

Mini-DV said...

This is stunt, or cheating death, as they called it. From Buried Alive, Frozen in Time to Drowned Alive. He surely knows how to draw people's attention.

I think all his stunts are free-admission. We finally get the chance to see him too....:-)